Manifestations of Sexuality in Theatre - mst

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terça-feira, 17 de outubro de 2017

Manifestations of Sexuality in Theatre

This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the project «SFRH/BPD/117096/2016»

                                                                     The essence of eroticism results
   from the inextricable association of  sexual pleasure with the interdict.
Never, humanly, the interdict appearswithout revelation of the pleasure, 
nor the pleasure without the feeling of the interdict.
Georges Bataille, in, L'Erotisme

Author of this site: Bruno Schiappa
Co-Author of this site: Fábio Salgado

Inner Shadows, Bruno Schiappa, 1981

Theater, as a space of denounciation, questioning and social framing, always oscillated between repression and permission. Sexuality, as a social concept, was born in the 18th century, when medicine becomes independent of the church. But the human being is inseparable from the drive and sexual impulse. In the theater, the manifestations and discourses of sexuality have always been more or less evident, associated with the stimulus - through fantasy, identification and/or projection – of individual and/or collective freedom. In this site we intend to create an exchange of studies on the effects and consequences of aesthetic, ethical and political order of the eroticism, voyeurism and exhibitionism, in theatrical practices. We start from the premise that sexuality involves all the feelings and sensations that come to mind when someone says, either, “I am male” or “I am female”. We also start from the current premise that the gender of each individual is not something natural but rather the result of a culture. Sexuality is not limited only to the sexual organs and the sexual act. It is rather a form of being in a body as a person with sexual drives that bear on each person's way of thinking, feeling and acting.